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Refactoring React

State that depends first on props and then on useEffect 💩

GET /dashboard/<ID> will get a JSON response

    "dashboard": {
        "id": 9,
        "name": "Dashboard name",

GET /dashboard will get the same JSON response

const DashboardRenderer = ({ urlId }) => {
// init
const [backendId, setBackendId] = useState(urlid);
const dashboard = useSelector({dashboards} => dashboards[backendId]);

const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
        loadDashboard(dispatch, backendId).then(({ data }) => {
}, [dispatch, backendId]);
  1. First render: urlId is null
  2. useEffect is called
    1. It sets the backendId state which triggers a re-render
  3. Second re-render: runs the useEffect again
    1. makes another API call

How to only make one API call?

Solution: only use the prop in the useEffect

const DashboardRenderer = ({ urlId }) => {
// init
const [backendId, setBackendId] = useState(urlId);
const dashboard = useSelector({dashboards} => dashboards[backendId]);

const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
-       loadDashboard(dispatch, backendId).then(({ data }) => {
+       loadDashboard(dispatch, urlId).then(({ data }) => {
- }, [dispatch, backendId]);
+ }, [dispatch, urlId]);

UnknownObject as a dependency in useEffect

It makes an API call every time 😞

  • when a new object is created
  • it has a new pointer
const Component = ({queryParams}) => {

  useEffect(() => {
    fetch("" + new URLSearchParams(...queryParams));
  }, [queryParams]);


  1. Store the serialized (JSON.stringify) object’s previous value
  2. If the current serialized value is different than before
    1. make an API call
const Component = ({ queryParams }) => {
    const previousValue = usePrevious(JSON.stringify(queryParams));
    useEffect(() => {
        if (JSON.stringify(queryParams) !== previousValue) {
            fetch("" + new URLSearchParams(...queryParams));
    }, [queryParams]);
<button onClick={handleClick || undefined}

Don't need the undefined

Returning undefined

function MyComp() {
    const canView = useFeatureToggle('feature');
    return canView && <div>Hi</div>

Components can't return undefined

It was a way to catch errors - since you likely didn't mean to return undefined - likely forgot a return statement - or forgot to return something - if you don't want to render anything, you can return null

function MyComp() {
    const canView = useFeatureToggle('feature');
-   return canView && <div>Hi</div>
+   return canView ? <div>Hi</div> : null

components rendering undefined

Last update: 2023-04-24