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Why it's hard to be an Asian kid

Immigrant mentality

HG: video

Have a problem: fix it yourself

Not asking for help

Saving face - can't go to other people for help - depression: don't let anyone know

Fix things you can see

Sure, my life is hard, but this person is able to do it with even fewer resources

Why do Asians not reach out for help?

Money - I don't know if it's worth it - 5 bucks a minute - they don't think they deserve help? - do you deserve your life to be a bit easier? - your worth is based on your performance - super kid is worth investing in - not you,

what do you want from life

  • what you want isn't important

Tutor for the mind

Are you willing to accept help - not whether you deserve it - not whether you need it

Last update: 2023-04-24