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Undo a git rm for a single file

  • terminal: -- is often used
    • any future dashes are considered strings and not flags
  • useful when the file path or branch name has dashes
    • git reset -- my-file.txt
    • git reset my-file.txt
      • will think -f is a flag
undo-rm() {
    git reset -- $1
    git checkout -- $1

(can't do a git alias because it's multiple lines)

Undo all changes to a single file in a PR

git restore --source origin/main backendcore/dashboard_etl_manager/views

Move a file from the 'staged' state to 'unstaged' state

git reset HEAD <file>


Create a stash git stash
Pop the first stash git stash pop
View stashes git stash list
Create a named stash git stash -m "stash name"
Save a stash with specific files git stash push -m stash_name -- file1 file2 file2

git revert "hash"

  • git revert undoes only that provided hash's changes
  • it will still keep all the other commits' changes
  • set the HEAD as a previous commit: git revert --no-commit 0766c053..HEAD
    • --no-commit lets you revert every commit without creating a new commit for each
    • safe, no history change
  • git shows (cherry-or-revert), use git revert --quit

git reset vs --hard

  • staged -> unstaged: git reset -- file


  • move tip of branch (HEAD) to a different commit
    • A -> B -> C = HEAD
    • git reset --hard A
    • B and C will be lost
    • git reflog to recover the commits!
      • (quickly! otherwise git might garbage collect)

reset vs checkout on files

  • reset: staged snapshot matches the given commit
  • checkout: working file matches the given commit

git diff

  • Just get files that changed git diff --name-status <commit/branch1> <commit/branch2>

Last update: 2023-04-24