- Gratitude Journal
- Gratitude box/jar
- Letter to self every year
- "Yes, and"
- I'm late, Yes and I learned a lesson about traffic
- 5,4,3,2,1 senses gratitude
- grateful for the miracle of our senses
- Breath of Thanks
- Breathe in: thank
- breathe out: you
- then think of something you're grateful for
- Gratitude countdown
- think of 10 things you're grateful for right now
- be specific, what, how and why
- “I’m grateful that my dog snuggled up to me this evening and made me feel loved
- I’m grateful for the view out my bedroom window, of the sunset and treetops
- can be done with someone else
- Who is a person from your past who made you a better person?
- What’s a piece of art in the world that brings you joy. Perhaps a painting, a novel, or poem?
- what's a modern convenience that makes your life easier?
- What’s a past challenge you endured that brought you strength or wisdom?
- What skill or talent do you possess that makes you feel proud?
- Who is a person from your past who made you a better person?
- When was the last time you spent money on something–anything?
- What’s something you use every day that past generations didn’t have?
- When was the last time you experienced the wonders of nature? Where was it and what did you see and do there?
- When was the last time someone made you laugh?
- Something you think is beautiful to see
- A sound that's beautiful to hear
- A voice or someone’s laughter that brings you happiness
- An act of kindness that someone did for you
- A ritual or routine during your day that brings you comfort
- Someone who has supported you in your personal life
- Someone who has supported you in your place of work or career
- Someone who has taught you something
- Someone who gave you a chance
- Someone who has believed in you
- Someone who makes you feel loved
- Someone who has offered you a thoughtful or generous gift
- Something that you learned
- A challenge you overcame
- Your favorite food
- Your favorite drink
- Your favorite smell
- Your favorite musician or song
- Something small you take for granted each day
- A piece of clothing that you love
- Your favorite place in the world
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