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Template Literals

Feels like Python f"formatted_string"


function myTag(strings, ...args) {
    console.log(strings); // ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
    console.log(args); // [1,2,3,4,5]
    return strings;

JS Regex


The dot in RegExp doesn't match all characters in JS

RegExp.test() -> boolean

console.log(/^([a-z0-9]{5,})$/.test('abc1')); // false

String.match() vs RegExp.exec()

regex - match Vs exec in JavaScript

match can do all at once with global flag

// [ '22', '44', '33' ]

without global flag, will find the first


has a nice syntax for looping with capturing groups?

One at a time

// NEED THE global flag
myRegexp = /\[(\d+)\]/g

while (result = myRegexp.exec("[22].[44].[33].")) {
    console.log(result, myRegexp.lastIndex);
// [
//  '[33]',
//  '33',
//  index: 10,
//  input: '[22].[44].[33].',
//  groups: undefined
//  ] 14



Number.isNaN("a"); // false
isNaN("a"); // true

Number.isNaN(Number(input)) === isNan(input);


kwargs (obj --> params)

const sum = (a, b) => a + b;

How do I pass this in args = {a: 1, "1": 2}?

Can't destructure

// sum(args)  // a = args, b = undefined
// sum(...args)  // TypeError: Found non-callable @@iterator

Solution: get the object values as an array

// order: [Does JavaScript guarantee object property order?](
// 1. integer keys (like "11")
// 2. string keys
// 3. Symbol keys
argValues = Object.values(args); // [2,1]
c = sum(...argValues);


CommonJS vs AMD

at the start, commonJS sucked on browsers

AMD was used because people had to use it

you explicitly declare your dependencies for each function/module

now, neither are the best

Use a build tool

Import a package in the dev tools

Dynamic imports

const { default: Confetti } = await import('');


Why symbols

  • All symbols are unique
  • For fully unique keys
  • private properties
    • (PITA to access)

Unique sentinel values, identity checks, and when to use object() instead of None

React uses symbols

Last update: 2023-04-24