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Connecting to PSQL

Connection string



pg_dump -d postgres://postgres_connection_string --no-owner --no-acl -Fc -f dump_name.dump
  • -Fc custom format (aka zipped)
  • -f file name
  • -T excludes a table, there can be multiple
  • -t only include this table, there can be multiple


pg_restore -d postgres://postgres_connection_string --no-owner --no-acl dump_name.dump
  • -d also accepts a local db name
  • --no-owner removes the ownership
  • --no-acl removes access privileges (grant/revoke commands)
  • --section=pre-data,data,post-data
    • pre-data: table/schema def, sequences, owner,
    • post-data: (foreign) constraints

Copy a table in the same db

CREATE TABLE new_table AS TABLE existing_table;

Copy table to another database

pg_dump --no-owner --no-acl -t table_to_copy source_db | psql target_db
  • dumps as a .sql file so you can just run with psql

Cloud access

AWS RDS on a VPC via SSM

  1. Create an ssh tunnel from your machine to an EC2 container in the VPC
aws ssm start-session --target "container-id-ec2, like i-0373fb85e5fbc7d8e" --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession --parameters '{"portNumber":["22"],"localPortNumber":["56789"]}'
  1. Connect to the

    • ssh -p 56789 root@localhost
  2. note the user should be root or whatever is expected on the EC2 machine

  3. not your personal username

  4. ssh root@ -p 56789 -N -L 5433:{prod db url}:5432

Last update: 2023-04-24