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Browser JavaScript

Sub-resource integrity

<script src="//cdnjs....."

if the CDN gets hacked, then the script won't run

Get the URL params

// ?q=turtles or
search_string = new URL("");
search_string = new URL(;

params = new URLSearchParams(search_string);

params.get("q"); // "turtles"
const { q } = Object.fromEntries(params);

!!! Note: Object.fromEntries only works for regular keys

JS Event Handler

Keyboard event

Spacebar vs Enter

  • spacebar: trigger event on keyup
  • enter: trigger on keydown

Spacebar - activate buttons - check/uncheck - scroll down the page - expand a dropdown menu

Enter - activate buttons - open links - open menus

Element to access Key
Link - Enter
Button - Enter
- Spacebar

Don't need generics because we aren't using custom properties of an HTMLInputElement for example

const triggerClickOnKeyboardEvent =
    (triggerKeys: string[]) => (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => {
        if (triggerKeys.includes(e.key)) {

export const triggerClickOnEnterKey = triggerClickOnKeyboardEvent(["Enter"]);
export const triggerClickOnSpacebar = triggerClickOnKeyboardEvent([" "]);

 * @example
 * <div
 *    onClick={() => {})}
 *    {...clickOnEnterOrSpacebarProps}
 *    className="clickable other-classes"
 * />
 * >
 * @example
 * <div
 *    onClick={() => {})}
 *    {...clickOnEnterOrSpacebarProps}
 *    onKeyDown={() => { console.log('Custom onKeyDown')}}
 * />
export const clickOnEnterOrSpacebarProps = {
    role: "button",
    className: "clickable",
    tabIndex: 0,
    onKeyDown: triggerClickOnEnterKey,
    onKeyUp: triggerClickOnSpacebar,

How to download JSON file?

Download JSON object as a file from browser - Stack Overflow

  • Create an <a> tag and click it and then remove it
  • set the href to
    var dataStr = "data:text/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(exportObj));

Console API

console.log("%cMessage", "color: orange; background-color: blue");

Coloured console.log

console.success = (...args) => console.log("\x1b[32m✔\x1b[0m", ...args);
console.failure = (...args) => console.error("\x1b[31mx\x1b[0m", ...args);
const logger = {
    success: (...args) => console.log("\x1b[32msuccess\x1b[0m", ...args),
    failure: (...args) => console.error("\x1b[31mfailure\x1b[0m", ...args),

logger.success("Files copied successfully");
logger.failure("Unable to delete the 'system32' directory");

$ Chrome dev tools shortcuts

[!$()]- document.querySelector

[!$$()]- document.querySelectorAll()

[!$0]- the most recently selected element in the Elements tab

[!$()]- most recently evaluated expression in the console

Last update: 2023-04-24